fall/winter 2006-2007
Well, here in the upper Midwest we had very little snow this season. We did most of our running on the cart
except for early in January and late in February. Most of the races we wanted to attend were cancelled but we
did make it to a dryland race in November and one snowy race in Duluth in March. The snow was so thick and the
trail so soft in Duluth, however, that the dogs were not too eager to be running their best. We looked good
at the start, though... (See video below).
Our last run of the season was on March 6. The weather was in the 20s, the trail was snowy and well-packed, and the
dogs kept up their enthusiasm longer than in the past. We ran our longest distance yet -- 17.5 miles. I guess
all that training on the cart paid off!
Let's hope for more snow next year... Otherwise we'll see you at the dryland races -- maybe I can talk my wife Melanie
into making me a lightweight wheeled rig...